Sunday, November 4, 2012

The next US president and the financial sector: just a coincidence?

US election time. Mainstream media are spending an huge amount of money to cover all sort of debates, pools, and talk, talk and still talk about useless things.
I think one of the most useful website to understand what is happening and which kind of policies will the future president promote, is
It has an impressive amount of data: how much money is spent on this US presidential election, which sectors gives more money to which candidate, and so on.

I made a quick research and found some interesting stuffs. I found the total amount of money given by the sector defined as "Finance/Insurance/Real Estate" to the two main presidential candidates. And I present here the data for the three last US presidential elections (2012-2008-2004).
2004 elections: 
The Finance sector gives 19 million more to Republicans than to Democrats.
Republican's George W. Bush wins.

2008 elections:
The Finance sector gives 11 million more to Democrats than to Republicans.
Democrat's Barack Obama wins.

2012 elections: 
The Finance sector gives 34 million more (!) to Republicans than to Democrats.

Now let's have a look at the "Top 5 contributors" to the two candidates:
Obama: University of Californa (1th), Microsoft, Google, US Government, Harvard.
Romney: Goldman Sachs (1th), Bank of America, Morgan Stanely, JPMorgan, Credit Suisse.
I don't think I need to comment on it.
Conculsions? We cannot say that there is a causal relation, of course. And I cannot say that Mitt Romney will win the election because of this.
However, it is crystal clear that whoever will win, the financial sector will continue to play a fundamental role in the policy-making, as already does. Don't you believe it? It is plenty of evidence, for some more enterteining just have a look at the movie "Too big to fail".
On tuesday we will know if all this means something. Would it not be (at least) funny? Stay tuned!